google-site-verification=PoLStXGEKvUjKfE-TvDgucomu96y1dffQOOrJQnzPjE Groundcovers | Spot On Gardens
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Groundcovers offer both form and function. They act as living mulch, suppressing weeds and controlling erosion. They also can tie a design together by acting as a unifying element. 

Close-up of yellow St. Johns Wort flower

St. Johns Wort

Vigorous in tough conditions, Hypericum spp. has blue-green creeping foliage and sunny yellow flowers resembling large buttercups. Fleshy roots give drought-resistance but will want room to spread.

Purple foliage to fill in and tie your design together.

'Purple Prince'

Purple foliage to fill in and tie your design together.

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